Monday, September 28, 2009

Color and culture matters

Color is very important in a culture. It is important to know the culture before you design or create something for the society because you could be sending a message that you do not intend to send. For example, in the painting Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride ,by Jan Van Eyck, the bride is wearing green. In western culture that seems odd but in the time period green symbolized fertility. However, later on early Christians banned green because it was associated with pagan ceremonies.

It is essential to every designer to know about color in a culture before they design for it. It i were ever to design a program for a wedding in China i would not want to chose white. To the Chinese white is the color of mourning and is not appropriate at a wedding. In India the color white at a wedding symbolizes that the person is inviting widowhood and unhappiness.